A unique, technologically advanced shuttlecraft designed to withstand the atmosphere of a gas giant. Conceived by Tom Paris as a 24th-Century "hot rod," the Delta Flyer's design and construction was a collaborative effort among Voyager crew members, and represents their diverse backgrounds. It features ultra-aerodynamic contours, retractable nacelles, parametallic hull plating, a tetraburnium alloy hull, unimatrix shielding, and Borg-inspired weapons systems including photonic missiles. Duranium construction in its hull makes the craft especially robust under extreme conditions. Paris gave the high-tech machine an old-fashioned touch by incorporating ancient control levers and meters inspired by his "Captain Proton" holodeck program.

The Delta Flyer's first mission was to retrieve an advanced multispatial probe from within a gas giant before it could be captured by the Malon. The Flyer was a crucial extension of the U.S.S. Voyager's capabilities for almost two years, until it was destroyed in late 2376 during an assault upon a Borg cube.

The Delta Flyer was rebuilt in early 2377